Pool Problems

Chlorine Demand

When pool contaminant levels get too high, your usual dose of chlorine doesn’t get the job done. Pool maintenance professionals refer to this phenomenon as “chlorine demand,” or “chlorine lock.” The solution is often more chlorine, but how much is too much? SENSE makes it easy to deal with chlorine demand—without irritating the eyes and skin of your guests.

Pool Problems

Chlorine Demand

When pool contaminant levels get too high, your usual dose of chlorine doesn’t get the job done. Pool maintenance professionals refer to this phenomenon as “chlorine demand,” or “chlorine lock.” The solution is often more chlorine, but how much is too much? SENSE makes it easy to deal with chlorine demand—without irritating the eyes and skin of your guests.

Understanding “chlorine demand.”

“Chlorine demand” happens when contaminant levels get too high in your pool. If you keep adding chlorine, but see it drop unusually quickly on test strips or water kits, your pool’s bacteria and/or algae is overpowering the chemicals. The amount of chlorine you need to add to achieve safe swimming conditions is called the “demand.”

Too little cyanuric acid can result in chlorine breaking down too quickly by the UV in sunlight. WaterGuru TEST can measure the cyanuric acid level.

Meeting the demand

When chlorine levels get too low, you end up with algae. When they get too high, swimmers may experience irritated eyes and skin, as well as a strong “pool smell” as excess chlorine causes organic matter in the pool to break down.

Finding your balance

To safely kill contaminants without irritating swimmers, your pools free chlorine level should be high enough relative to the cyanuric acid level. SENSE constantly tests and measures your water chemistry, so you always know exactly how much chlorine your water needs to beat chlorine demand, and keep your pool safe, clean and perfectly balanced.

Treating Chlorine Demand/Lock

If the cyanuric acid level is low, then increase it with a cyanuric acid (stabilizer) product. If the free chlorine level is too low (relative to the cyanuric acid level) then you’ll need to raise the free chlorine level.

Pool smart. Delivers customized instructions on how to maintain your water in perfect balance with the least amount of chemicals.
SENSE’s proprietary film strip, made from glass components, stays submerged in water 24/7 without degrading, then exposes one-time-use chemistry pads for precise measurement.
SENSE samples the entire pool, not just the surface water. SENSE’s patented optical sensor precisely reads the color of each measurement pad, indiscernible to the naked eye.
Understand exactly what your pool needs. Mail in a sample of your pool’s water with TEST. We’ll send you back professional, lab-tested water quality data, calibrated precisely to your pool.
Forget about test strips. Get Guru advice based on your pool conditions. Available for iOS and Android.

Never have to deal with chlorine demand again. Get WaterGuru SENSE.

Pool smart. Delivers customized instructions on how to maintain your water in perfect balance with the least amount of chemicals.
SENSE’s proprietary film strip, made from glass components, stays submerged in water 24/7 without degrading, then exposes one-time-use chemistry pads for precise measurement.
SENSE samples the entire pool, not just the surface water. SENSE’s patented optical sensor precisely reads the color of each measurement pad, indiscernible to the naked eye.
Understand exactly what your pool needs. Mail in a sample of your pool’s water with TEST. We’ll send you back professional, lab-tested water quality data, calibrated precisely to your pool.
Forget about test strips. Get Guru advice based on your pool conditions. Available for iOS and Android.

Never have to deal with chlorine demand again. Get WaterGuru SENSE.